
Latest from my Blog

Pagan Exploration: Abstract Relief Sculpture

In the autumn of 2023, I created an abstract relief sculpture using twelve clay tiles that I designed and made to fit together. I glued the tiles onto a deep plywood panel. I’ve called the sculpture Pagan Exploration. It’s not always easy to find a title for abstract artwork, but this was the best I…

The Hug

Earlier this year I made a ceramic sculpture called The Hug. It is a sculptural celebration of welcome hugs following the social-distancing of the pandemic. Casual social hugging was discouraged as the pandemic took hold in 2020. I was fortunate to be living with my husband and daughter. Many people miss out on hugs completely due to…

Storytelling in Art

I’ve just made two plant pots that I’ve called Doon and Mackenzie. They have abstracted faces and handles that are their arms. Here’s a photo; Doon is on the left, Mackenzie on the right. They are made from crank clay, glazed with red iron oxide and gas fired. While I was making these at the…

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